Sunday, February 6, 2011


I just read My Personality Tree, about the 4 humors (personality types).  I'm a strong Melancholy with a belief in a "right way" of doing things.  Which is fine, except for when it comes to things where there is no one right way, like choosing a job or how to relate to people.  I inevitably feel there's a "right way" to be doing those things and that my bumbling along is wrong more often than not.

But I'm starting to feel like life is going to pass me by as I sit fretting over what people will think and obsessing over finding that perfect path.  My 10 year high school reunion is this summer (...insert jokes about being old and rebuttals from those who are older here...).  And I'm more focused on what I haven't accomplished and whether I can face up to that than I am on seeing friends from high school.