Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It's been one of those days. 

Discovered my work voicemail has been hoarding messages and only triggered the light once it hit the dubious magical number of 13.  Not a great feeling to realize you have unanswered messages from July.  And that a supervisor-type called back in September (twice) and must now think you're either a flake or ignoring her on purpose.

Completed my rental car reservation for my time down in California, after several hours, a wrong number, and two calls to disgruntled customer service employees.  ...I thought I was suppose to be the disgruntled one.

Sent a Facebook message out to some of the individuals I'll be visiting, after one blank message and a failed send attempt that was only discovered a few hours later and required a total rewrite.

Tomorrow's a new day - I think I may need to use the free Top Pot doughnut coupon my roommate handed me.  Thank goodness for the flexibility of working from home!


  1. Me too! Connor woke up really sick yesterday morning which totally threw the whole day off. I guess you just have to shake it off and move on...and maybe eat a donut.

  2. Sorry things are so stinky! And i hope today was better! I've been a bit off today too, actually the past couple of days. Hope the donut helped - i love top pot! What a good roommate you have :)
