Monday, June 15, 2009


Trader Joes is great. I'm currently only a block from one and have been taking advantage of that fact. They may not have all of your staples (turns out they don't sell powdered sugar, who knew?), but they make up for it by having lots of unique items. The frozen edemame and the sweet potato fries are addictive! I braved a few strange looks to snap a couple pics the last time I was there.
"You put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em both up..." I love the part in Practical Magic when they dance through the kitchen singing this song. There isn't a clip of that online, but you can see the Muppets reprise the song here. This is just one more example of me reading everything in sight and being rewarded for it with a smile.

I think I'm in love... You think I'm kidding. A few Christmases ago I was given one of the 5lb Hershey's bars. It's the size of a small child. I bought a bag of TJ's chocolate covered pretzels a year or so ago, for the first time, and have to say they do 'em right! None of that drizzle of chocolate nonsense - those pretzels are coated. mmmm....

Speaking of chocolate, looky here: an emergency stash of chocolate to carry around in my purse. Have you seen those at Firework's by the way? Some people carry Advil, others carry chocolate. I've never really understood the purpose of having chocolate mints. Whatever positive effect the mint might have on your breath is only going to be offset by the chocolate. And while I do enjoy the flavor combination of chocolate and mint, breath mints tend to be a bit sharp and overpowering. Why ruin good chocolate that way?

It's 10:30 in the morning and I'm ready for a chocolate fix. I think that means it's time to focus on something else!

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