What do you remember about elementary school?
Do you remember playing tag all through recess? Or a game of football?
I remember running the length of the field in pursuit of a boy on the other team, bound and determined to catch him, even if he was the fastest runner in our class. Didn't catch him. He scored. Learned a frustrating lesson in limitations. You mean I can't be the best just by wanting it with a passion?
How about four square or tetherball?
There were always those kids who would slam the four square ball, or nick a corner, or nudge it over the line with a bounce that barely cleared the asphalt.
Were you twirling around a bar on the jungle gym? Could you go over backwards?
I climbed up on one recently and walked away with pinched skin and bruises.
Do you remember playing the recorder in music class?
Hot Cross Buns over and over, and that funny little pinkie hole that was actually two holes.
How far did you get on Oregon Trail?
Shooting your dinner, stocking up on supplies, losing family members to random illness or accidents. All on those Apple computers with the black screens and bright green images.
Can you still sing the songs? Miss Mary Mack?
Having lived in Thailand from the time I was 4 until I was 7, I was at a distinct disadvantage upon returning to the States. All of those clapping games, and jump rope skills (double dutch anyone?), and catscradle configurations to learn.
Were you daring?
Picture a stretch of monkey bars similar to those pictured below, only made up of large metal circles.
Now picture an eight-year-old hooking her feet in the circles and dangling upside down. It worked too! At least the first time. Got cocky and tried it again only to end up with a rubberized asphalt burn on my cheek.
Any creative teachers?
Fifth grade we had paper airplane contests. Farthest distance, longest air time, most acrobatic, etc.
Did you have to ride the bus?
The worst was when it was packed and you had to sit three-to-a-seat, buried under your backpack.
Any favorite outfits?
I still remember feeling so cool in my grey and purple t-shirt and matching purple stretch pants. The t-shirt had a extra strips of purple fabric around the sleeves and neck to give it a slight layered look and contrast with the grey. I bought a couple pairs of comfy thick socks at $8 a pop a few months ago and I've already worn holes in the toes. This is why my mother made me wear hiking boots in elementary school - I couldn't wear through them as fast.
What are your favorite memories?