Sunday, May 31, 2009

Habitat for Humanity

Yesterday was a beautiful day to be outside. (and no, this is not a car ad - it was the view from Kerry Park at 7am)

The Post-College group at my church worked on a Habitat for Humanity site down in Federal Way. The house itself was pretty close to being done, but there was plenty of work to be done outside. I spent 6 hours packing up garbage, loading and unloading wood, breaking up the ground, filling wheelbarrows, and taking pictures.

We started by hauling away the empty paint cans, extra lumber, tools, and various odds and ends. Once those were packed away in and behind the storage shed down the block, we started attacking the hardpacked earth with shovels and pick axes.
Inside there was trim to finish, the flooring in the bathroom to install, and various caulking jobs.

I tried my hand at the pick axe, but missed out on the circular saw and nail gun action.

Once the yard was loosened up and the extra dirt and rocks were taken away (and let me just say, they have a pretty sizeable yard), it was time to spread some topsoil.

We made our way through the entire mountain of dirt waiting on the driveway; shoveling and dumping and raking it into place. By the end, I was ready for a Slurpee and a massage. out of two ain't bad.

Dirt under my fingernails - the sign of a hard day's work.

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