Thursday, June 4, 2009

Things you never knew you needed

A friend from high school recently had twins. I searched high and low for a baby calendar I liked and ended up at the Current Catalog website (turns out my own baby calendar was purchased from Current - I liked the layout and event stickers enough to ask my mom where she got it). As a result of that purchase I now receive the catalog in the mail every month or so. If you ever wonder if people are still inventing little gadgets and securing patents, here's proof we haven't exhausted all of the patent possibilities. (all pictures are from the Current Catalog website:

Mini Refrigerator Wind Chimes - "Mini melodic chimes cling to your fridge to alert you when the door is opened."

I wonder if these would wake up a sleep walker. "Amy would come upstairs and she would flop her feet like a duck. We knew she would be sleep-walking. And then she'd have these eyes -- and you knew she wasn't awake . And sometimes she would look at you and scream: 'I'm hungry!'" Can you imagine? That would totally freak me out! And cat food sandwiches? No thank you.

Melon Scoopers - aren't those cute? Are people really that averse to scooping out the seeds with a spoon?

Water Bottle Ice Cube Trays
Ultimate invention? Or ultimate laziness? I'll admit, I've been frustrated by trying to fit large square cubes in a small circular opening. Who really remembers to stick a water bottle in the freezer the night before? Or has those fancy fridges that can crush ice?

Toast Tongs - "Durable bamboo tongs safely remove hot foods from your toaster."
Anyone else hesitate before grabbing things from the toaster? Hey, if your fingers make contact with a particularly crispy spot it stings!

Beverage Can Caps - "Locking flip-top plastic beverage caps keep fizz in, keep insects out, prevent major spills, and color-code everyone's cans!" Do you think they really keep the fizz in? 'Cause the plastic soda bottles sure don't do the trick, no matter how tightly you screw on the lid.

"First Out" Pie Spatula - "Bake your pie with this spatula in the pie tin." To prevent the unsightly pie pile the first piece inevitably turns into from trying to wiggle a spatula under the bottom crust and scoop it all out at once.

And a Pie Gate once that first piece is out.

GreenBags - "Debbie Meyer's FoodFresh System controls humidity and prevents excess moistures, so there's less mold, bacteria, and decay. Plus, the bags reduce vitamin loss, all without any chemicals. ...keep fruits, vegetables, herbs, even cut flowers, fresh for up to a month." Those are quite the claims! Cut flowers fresh for a month? Of course, why would you have them sitting bagged up in your fridge?

I hope you've enjoyed this edition of "Things you never knew you needed" brought to you by A great site to keep in mind if you're in need of inspiration! Afterall, doesn't everyone need a set of these for the Fourth of July?

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