Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Animal sounds

I love my cat, really I do. He's got a rumbly little motor inside that just won't quit. Sometimes all I have to do is look at him and I can hear the purring start. The vet thinks he may have a little "rag doll" breed in him, which basically means you can pick him up and sling him over your shoulder or prop him in your lap without any resistance. And boy does he love laps. As he's gotten older he's become more insistent in his right to occupy whatever space he chooses. He doesn't care if you're trying to read a book, or if you're juggling a plate of food. All he sees is the opportunity to cuddle up and get some attention.

You've probably heard in the news how having a pet can lower your blood pressure and lengthen your lifespan. There's something so satisfying in being able to please another being with so little effort. And animals are great about letting you know when they're pleased. Cats purr, dogs will get that crazy leg going, rabbits grind their teeth, and guinea pigs warble. How can you not smile when running your hand across a guinea pig's back causes a bubbly little warble to resonate? If you can ignore the video game sounds in the background, this video will give you an idea of what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-Gmts8h-7E&feature=related.

As I was saying, I love my cat. What I do not love are his sleeping habits. He has all day to sleep, so he doesn't see the point in sleeping all night as well. And he isn't afraid to tell me so. They make bark collars for dogs, why hasn't anyone come up with a whine collar for cats? Anyway, with the arrival of summer I thought I'd have a few warm months when Midnight could be outside at night and I could sleep in peace.

I have a fan going at night, which helps muffle night noises and can provide a nice breeze. But the past few nights I've also been leaving my window open to let some cool air in. This morning I was slowly pulled awake by a sound I couldn't place. I woke up knowing I had heard something, but not able to remember what it was. 5:00am. Garbage truck? No, those are much louder. Birds chirping? But it had stopped. As I started drifting back to sleep I heard it again. Midnight? It sounds like he's at the door wanting in. I toss off the covers and pad out to the living room, but when I open the front door he's not there. I figure I was mistaken and crawl back into bed. A few minutes later there it is again. It has to be Midnight. This time I walk down the stairs and peer around the side of the building. Sure enough, there he is, serenading me under my window. 'Good grief,' I thought, 'hopefully it only woke me because I'm familiar with his yowling.' Do you remember Heathcliff? That's not really the reputation I was hoping Midnight would have in the neighborhood...

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